Statistics for 2012

Rijden de Treinen keeps track of all train disruptions in the Netherlands since 2011. Disruptions are archived by line and by cause. On this page, you can lookup statistics like the railway line with the most disruptions, the most common causes for a disruption, or the number of disruptions per month.

It may be interesting to know how these statistics are calculated, and how you can be sure that these statistics are statistically valid. See the explanation for more information about how Rijden de Treinen calculates disruption statistics, and what is the best way to interpret them.

See the list with all causes for disruption for statistics about a specific cause.


Between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012, Rijden de Treinen has reported 2,074 disruptions. On average 6 disruptions per day.

The total duration for all disruptions in this period was 11 months, 8 days, 3 hours, 18 minutes. This translates to an average of 22 hours, 26 minutes with train disruptions per day. The average duration for a disruption in this period was 3 hours, 58 minutes.

Number of disruptions

This graphs shows the number of disruptions within the period you have selected, and the total duration of all disruptions (measured in hours).

Main causes for disruption

In order to better understand the main causes for disruptions, Rijden de Treinen uses categories.

Top 10 lines with disruptions

  1. Amsterdam Centraal - Schiphol Airport
    131 disruptions • duration: 1 month, 1 day, 23 hours
  2. Schiphol Airport - Utrecht Centraal
    130 disruptions • duration: 15 days, 15 hours
  3. Leiden Centraal - Schiphol Airport
    104 disruptions • duration: 9 days, 6 hours
  4. Lelystad Centrum - Schiphol Airport
    95 disruptions • duration: 9 days, 4 hours
  5. Amersfoort - Schiphol Airport
    95 disruptions • duration: 8 days, 11 hours
  6. Rotterdam Centraal - Schiphol Airport HSL
    88 disruptions • duration: 13 days, 15 hours
  7. Rotterdam Centraal - Utrecht Centraal
    87 disruptions • duration: 12 days, 4 hours
  8. Arnhem Centraal - Winterswijk
    75 disruptions • duration: 7 days
  9. Den Haag Centraal - Utrecht Centraal
    73 disruptions • duration: 12 days, 15 hours
  10. Leiden Centraal - Utrecht Centraal
    71 disruptions • duration: 10 days, 14 hours

One disruption often impacts multiple railway lines. In those cases, the same disruption is counted for each affected line.

Exact causes for disruption

This graph shows the various causes for a disruption and the number of disruptions with these causes. The causes for disruptions are provided by NS.

Disruptions per weekday

This graphs shows the number of disruptions per day of the week.