Customer service NS and other train operators

On this page you will find the contact details of all Dutch railroad companies. Almost every carrier can be reached via a phone number (local rate or low cost), online via a contact form or email address, and via social media (Twitter).

NS customer service

NS is the main operator on the Dutch railways and operates intercities and local trains between all major cities in the Netherlands. (For international trains, see the contact details for NS International below.)

Online contact with NS customer service:

Telephone: +31 30 751 5155
NS Business Card: +31 30 - 300 1111

You can reach NS customer service 24 hours per day.

NS International customer service

NS International operates most international trains to the Netherlands, including the IC train to Berlin, the intercity to Brussels, ICE International, Thalys and Eurostar. It is also the main sales point for selling international train tickets.

Online contact with NS International:

Telephone: +31 30 - 230 0023