Train tickets from Antwerpen-Centraal to Brussels Airport-Zaventem

For a train journey between Antwerpen-Centraal and Brussels Airport-Zaventem, you'll need an international train ticket from Antwerpen-Centraal to Brussels Airport-Zaventem. Unfortunately, we cannot show these prices (yet), but you can find these ticket prices on the website of NS International and other shops.

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Train tickets between Antwerpen-Centraal and Brussels Airport-Zaventem are offered by various ticket resellers. Not all tickets are available at all shops. The service level is also different amongst various shops; not all payment methods are accepted everywhere and you may need to pay a surcharge for paper tickets.

For journeys starting or ending in the Netherlands, we recommend using NS International.

The following companies offer train tickets for this journey:

NS International NS International

NS International is the national Dutch train operator. On the website of NS International, you can easily order train tickets online to a great number of destinations within Europe.

Accepted payment methods:
iDealMasterCardVISAAmerican ExpressBancontactSofort