Train tickets from Breda to Antwerp: starting at €9

The cheapest train tickets between Antwerpen-Centraal and Breda start at €9. You can buy train tickets to Breda from all the ticket shops we have listed below. Beware that the cheapest ticket price is not always available or only for some trains.

The travel time between Antwerpen-Centraal and Breda is approximately 33 minutes. This is a direct connection, you don't have to change trains.

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Train tickets between Antwerpen-Centraal and Breda are offered by various ticket resellers. Not all tickets are available at all shops. The service level is also different amongst various shops; not all payment methods are accepted everywhere and you may need to pay a surcharge for paper tickets.

For journeys starting or ending in the Netherlands, we recommend using NS International.

The following companies offer train tickets for this journey:

NS International NS International

NS International is the national Dutch train operator. On the website of NS International, you can easily order train tickets online to a great number of destinations within Europe.

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