Line Eindhoven Centraal–Roermond

Information about the railway line between Eindhoven Centraal and Roermond, including the current service status for this line, a list of upcoming engineering works, and recent disruptions between Eindhoven Centraal and Roermond.

Trains on this line are operated by NS. More information about ticket prices between Eindhoven Centraal and Roermond.

Current situation

Good service
There is currently a good service between Eindhoven Centraal and Roermond.

Statistics for this line

Statistics for this line are calculated over the past 24 months.

Between March 1, 2023 and February 28, 2025, Rijden de Treinen has reported 192 disruptions on the line Eindhoven Centraal–Roermond. On average 0 disruptions per day.

The average duration for disruptions on this line is 1 hour, 30 minutes.

Number of disruptions and total duration

This graphs shows the number of disruptions between Eindhoven Centraal and Roermond, and the total duration of these disruptions (measured in hours).

Disruptions per weekday

This graphs shows the number of disruptions per day of the week.

Main causes for disruption

In order to better understand the main causes for disruptions, Rijden de Treinen uses categories. You can see how disruptions are categorized.

This graph shows the number of disruptions per category.

Exact causes for disruption

This graph shows the various causes for a disruption and the number of disruptions with these causes. The causes for disruptions are provided by NS.