Train services at Breda on May 4, 2024

This page shows all trains which have departed from station Breda on Saturday, May 4, 2024. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.

Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.

Saturday, May 4, 2024
Total services 388
On time 368 (95%)
Cancelled services 8 (2%)
Delayed trains* 12 (3%)
* trains delayed for 5 minutes or more, excluding cancelled services

Train services

Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Breda for live information.

06:00 – 07:00

7 services, 1 cancelled (14.3%), 1 delayed (14.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
06:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925306
06:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925307
06:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925311
06:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925314
06:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925315
06:45 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925320
06:53 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1116
Train did not depart

07:00 – 08:00

13 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925323
07:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925324
07:09 Venlo Intercity 3729 3
VIRM-4 9561 ->
07:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925330
07:23 +11 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1118 6
SW9-25KV-2+9 16239 ->
07:18 07:26 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 9211 5
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16438 ->
07:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925334
07:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925333
07:39 +1 Venlo Intercity 3731 3
VIRM-6 8738 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
07:34 +10 07:42 +12 Brussel-Zuid Midi Intercity direct 9212 7
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16233 ->
07:45 +1 Roosendaal Intercity 3619 8
VIRM-4 9430 ->
07:45 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925341
07:53 +3 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1120 5
SW9-25KV-2+9 16508 ->

08:00 – 09:00

18 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925344
08:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925345
08:09 Venlo Intercity 3733 3
VIRM-6 8705 ->
08:15 Roosendaal Intercity 703621 8
VIRM-6 8621 ->
08:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925352
08:23 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1122 7
SW9-25KV-2+9 16235 ->
08:18 +1 08:26 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 9215 5
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16437 ->
08:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925356
08:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925357
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
08:35 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925360
08:39 Venlo Intercity 3735 3
VIRM-6 8742 ->
08:40 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925363
08:34 +23 08:42 +24 Brussel-Zuid Midi Intercity direct 9216 6
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16477 ->
08:45 Roosendaal Intercity 703623 8
VIRM-6 8681 ->
08:45 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925366
08:50 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925369
08:53 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1124 5
SW9-25KV-2+9 16511 ->
08:55 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925372

09:00 – 10:00

25 services, 1 cancelled (4%), 1 delayed (4%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925374
09:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925376
09:05 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925379
09:09 Venlo Intercity 3737 3
VIRM-4 9565, VIRM-4 9430 ->
09:10 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925383
09:15 Roosendaal Intercity 703625 8
VIRM-6 8642 ->
09:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925385
09:15 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925387
09:20 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925390
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:23 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1126 7
ICNG25-5 3102 ->
09:25 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925394
09:18 09:26 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 9219
Train is cancelled
09:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925397
09:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925399
09:35 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925401
09:39 Venlo Intercity 3739 3
VIRM-6 8621 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:40 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925405
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
09:34 +4 09:42 +2 Brussel-Zuid Midi Intercity direct 9220 7
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16475 ->
09:45 +2 Roosendaal Intercity 703627 8
VIRM-6 8646 ->
09:45 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925408
09:45 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 917 4
SW7-25KV-2+7 16424 ->
09:45 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925410
09:50 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925413
09:53 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1128 5
SW9-25KV-2+9 16239 ->
09:55 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925417

10:00 – 11:00

25 services, 1 cancelled (4%), 1 delayed (4%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925420
10:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925422
10:05 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925424
10:09 Venlo Intercity 3741 3
VIRM-6 8681 ->
10:10 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925428
10:15 Roosendaal Intercity 703629
Train did not depart
10:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925431
10:15 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925433
10:20 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925436
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:23 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1130 7
SW9-25KV-2+9 16508 ->
10:25 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925440
10:18 +13 10:26 +13 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 9223 6
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16481 ->
10:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925445
10:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925443
10:35 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925447
10:39 +4 Venlo Intercity 3743 3
VIRM-6 8642 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:40 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925451
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
10:34 +10 10:42 +10 Brussel-Zuid Midi Intercity direct 9224 7
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16478 ->
10:45 +1 Roosendaal Intercity 703631 8
VIRM-6 8739 ->
10:45 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 921 4
ICNG25-5 3133, ICNG25-5 3143 ->
10:45 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925454
10:45 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925456
10:50 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925459
10:53 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1132 5
SW9-25KV-2+9 16235 ->
10:55 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925463

11:00 – 12:00

25 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925466
11:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925468
11:05 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925470
11:09 Venlo Intercity 3745 3
VIRM-6 8646 ->
11:10 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925474
11:15 Roosendaal Intercity 703633 8
VIRM-4 9409 ->
11:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925477
11:15 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925479
11:20 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925482
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:23 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1134 7
SW9-25KV-2+9 16511 ->
11:25 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925486
11:18 11:26 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 9227 5
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16233 ->
11:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925491
11:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925489
11:35 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925493
11:39 +2 Venlo Intercity 3747 3
VIRM-6 8671 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:40 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925497
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
11:34 +5 11:42 +6 Brussel-Zuid Midi Intercity direct 9228 7
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16438 ->
11:45 Roosendaal Intercity 703635 8
VIRM-6 8662 ->
11:45 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 925 4
SW9-25KV-2+9 16505 ->
11:45 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925500
11:45 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925502
11:50 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925505
11:53 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1136 5
ICNG25-5 3102 ->
11:55 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925509

12:00 – 13:00

25 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925514
12:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925512
12:05 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925516
12:09 Venlo Intercity 3749 3
VIRM-6 8739 ->
12:10 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925520
12:15 Roosendaal Intercity 703637 8
VIRM-6 8664 ->
12:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925523
12:15 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925525
12:20 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925528
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:23 +1 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1138 7
SW9-25KV-2+9 16239 ->
12:25 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925532
12:18 +22 12:26 +23 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 9231 6
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16477 ->
12:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925537
12:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925535
12:35 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925539
12:39 +1 Venlo Intercity 3751 3
VIRM-4 9409 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:40 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925543
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
12:34 12:42 Brussel-Zuid Midi Intercity direct 9232 7
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16437 ->
12:45 Roosendaal Intercity 703639 8
VIRM-4 9468, VIRM-4 9477 ->
12:45 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 929 4
SW7-25KV-2+7 16424 ->
12:45 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925548
12:45 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925546
12:50 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925551
12:53 +1 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1140 5
SW9-25KV-2+9 16508 ->
12:55 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925555

13:00 – 14:00

25 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925560
13:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925558
13:05 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925562
13:09 Venlo Intercity 3753 3
VIRM-6 8662 ->
13:10 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925566
13:15 Roosendaal Intercity 703641 8
VIRM-4 9560, VIRM-4 9549 ->
13:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925569
13:15 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925571
13:20 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925574
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:23 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1142 7
SW9-25KV-2+9 16235 ->
13:25 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925794
13:18 13:26 +2 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 9235 5
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16475 ->
13:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925797
13:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925799
13:35 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925801
13:39 Venlo Intercity 3755 3
VIRM-6 8664 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:40 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925805
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
13:34 +5 13:42 +2 Brussel-Zuid Midi Intercity direct 9236 7
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16481 ->
13:45 +2 Roosendaal Intercity 703643 8
VIRM-6 8702 ->
13:45 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925810
13:45 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 933 4
ICNG25-5 3133, ICNG25-5 3143 ->
13:45 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925808
13:50 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925813
13:53 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1144 5
SW9-25KV-2+9 16511 ->
13:55 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925817

14:00 – 15:00

25 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925820
14:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925822
14:05 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925824
14:09 Venlo Intercity 3757 3
VIRM-4 9468, VIRM-4 9477 ->
14:10 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925828
14:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925831
14:15 Roosendaal Intercity 703645 8
VIRM-6 8632 ->
14:15 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925833
14:20 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925836
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:23 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1146 7
ICNG25-5 3102 ->
14:25 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925840
14:18 14:26 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 9239 5
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16478 ->
14:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925843
14:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925845
14:35 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925847
14:39 +1 Venlo Intercity 3759 3
VIRM-4 9560, VIRM-4 9549 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:40 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925851
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
14:34 +7 14:42 +6 Brussel-Zuid Midi Intercity direct 9240 7
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16233 ->
14:45 Roosendaal Intercity 703647 8
VIRM-6 8654 ->
14:45 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 937 4
SW9-25KV-2+9 16505 ->
14:45 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925854
14:45 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925856
14:50 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925859
14:53 +3 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1148 5
SW9-25KV-2+9 16239 ->
14:55 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925863

15:00 – 16:00

25 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925866
15:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925868
15:05 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925870
15:09 Venlo Intercity 3761 3
VIRM-6 8702 ->
15:10 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925874
15:15 Roosendaal Intercity 703649 8
VIRM-4 9561 ->
15:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925877
15:15 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925879
15:20 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925882
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:23 +1 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1150 7
SW9-25KV-2+9 16508 ->
15:25 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925886
15:18 15:26 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 9243 5
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16438 ->
15:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925889
15:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925891
15:35 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925893
15:39 Venlo Intercity 3763 3
VIRM-6 8632 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:40 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925897
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
15:34 +1 15:42 +2 Brussel-Zuid Midi Intercity direct 9244 7
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16477 ->
15:45 +2 Roosendaal Intercity 703651 8
VIRM-6 8738 ->
15:45 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 941 4
SW7-25KV-2+7 16424 ->
15:45 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925900
15:45 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925902
15:50 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925905
15:53 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1152 5
SW9-25KV-2+9 16235 ->
15:55 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925909

16:00 – 17:00

25 services, 1 cancelled (4%), 1 delayed (4%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925912
16:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925914
16:05 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925916
16:09 Venlo Intercity 3765 3
VIRM-6 8654 ->
16:10 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925920
16:15 Roosendaal Intercity 703653 8
VIRM-6 8705 ->
16:15 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925925
16:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925923
16:20 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925928
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:23 +1 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1154 7
SW9-25KV-2+9 16511 ->
16:25 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925932
16:18 16:26 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 9247 5
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16437 ->
16:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925935
16:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925937
16:35 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925939
16:39 Venlo Intercity 3767 3
VIRM-4 9561 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:40 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925943
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
16:34 16:42 Brussel-Zuid Midi Intercity direct 9248
Train is cancelled
16:45 Roosendaal Intercity 703655 8
VIRM-6 8742 ->
16:45 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925946
16:45 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 945 4
ICNG25-5 3133, ICNG25-5 3143 ->
16:45 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925948
16:50 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925951
16:53 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1156 5
ICNG25-5 3102 ->
16:55 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925955

17:00 – 18:00

25 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925958
17:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925960
17:05 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925962
17:09 Venlo Intercity 3769 3
VIRM-6 8738 ->
17:10 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925966
17:15 Roosendaal Intercity 703657 8
VIRM-4 9565, VIRM-4 9430 ->
17:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925969
17:15 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925971
17:20 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925974
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:23 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1158 7
SW9-25KV-2+9 16239 ->
17:25 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925978
17:18 17:26 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 9251 5
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16481 ->
17:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925983
17:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925981
17:35 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925985
17:39 Venlo Intercity 3771 3
VIRM-6 8705 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:40 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925989
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
17:34 17:42 Brussel-Zuid Midi Intercity direct 9252 7
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16475 ->
17:45 Roosendaal Intercity 703659 8
VIRM-6 8621 ->
17:45 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925994
17:45 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 949 4
SW9-25KV-2+9 16505 ->
17:45 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925992
17:50 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925997
17:53 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1160 5
SW9-25KV-2+9 16508 ->
17:55 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926001

18:00 – 19:00

25 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926004
18:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 926006
18:05 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926008
18:09 Venlo Intercity 3773 3
VIRM-6 8742 ->
18:10 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926012
18:15 Roosendaal Intercity 703661 8
VIRM-6 8681 ->
18:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926015
18:15 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 926017
18:20 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926020
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:23 +1 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1162 7
SW9-25KV-2+9 16235 ->
18:25 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926024
18:18 +1 18:26 +3 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 9255 5
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16233 ->
18:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926027
18:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 926029
18:35 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926031
18:39 +1 Venlo Intercity 3775 3
VIRM-4 9565 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:40 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926035
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
18:34 18:42 Brussel-Zuid Midi Intercity direct 9256 7
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16478 ->
18:45 Roosendaal Intercity 703663 8
VIRM-6 8642 ->
18:45 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926038
18:45 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 953 4
SW7-25KV-2+7 16424 ->
18:45 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 926040
18:50 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926043
18:53 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1164 6
SW9-25KV-2+9 16511 ->
18:55 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926046

19:00 – 20:00

23 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926049
19:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 926051
19:05 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926053
19:09 Venlo Intercity 3777 3
VIRM-6 8621 ->
19:10 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926057
19:15 Roosendaal Intercity 703665 8
VIRM-6 8646 ->
19:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926059
19:20 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926062
19:23 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1166 7
ICNG25-5 3102 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:25 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926064
19:18 +1 19:26 +1 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 9259 5
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16477 ->
19:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926066
19:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 926068
19:35 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926071
19:39 Venlo Intercity 3779 3
VIRM-6 8681 ->
19:40 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926075
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:34 +2 19:42 +2 Brussel-Zuid Midi Intercity direct 9260 7
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16438 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
19:45 +1 Roosendaal Intercity 703667 8
VIRM-6 8671 ->
19:45 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926078
19:45 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 957 4
ICNG25-5 3133, ICNG25-5 3143 ->
19:50 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926081
19:53 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1168 5
SW9-25KV-2+9 16239 ->
19:55 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926083

20:00 – 21:00

19 services, 1 cancelled (5.3%), 1 delayed (5.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926085
20:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 926087
20:05 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926090
20:09 Venlo Intercity 3781 3
VIRM-6 8642 ->
20:10 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926094
20:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926097
20:15 +2 Roosendaal Intercity 703669 8
VIRM-6 8739 ->
20:20 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926100
20:23 +2 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1170 7
SW9-25KV-2+9 16508 ->
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
20:25 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926102
20:18 20:26 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 9263
Train is cancelled
20:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 926106
20:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926105
20:39 Eindhoven Centraal Intercity 3783 3
VIRM-6 8646 ->
20:34 +5 20:42 +3 Brussel-Zuid Midi Intercity direct 9264 7
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16437 ->
20:45 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity direct 961 4
SW9-25KV-2+9 16505 ->
20:45 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926114
20:45 +2 Roosendaal Intercity 703671 8
VIRM-4 9409, VIRM-4 9558 ->
20:53 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1172 5
SW9-25KV-2+9 16235 ->

21:00 – 22:00

15 services, 1 cancelled (6.7%), 1 delayed (6.7%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926117
21:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 926118
21:09 +12 Utrecht Centraal Intercity 3785 3
VIRM-6 8671 ->
21:15 +4 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity direct 963 6
ICNG25-5 3145 ->
21:15 +1 Roosendaal Intercity 703673 8
VIRM-6 8662 ->
21:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926125
21:23 +1 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1174 7
SW9-25KV-2+9 16511 ->
21:18 +7 21:26 +7 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 9267 6
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16475 ->
21:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926128
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
21:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 926129
21:39 Utrecht Centraal Intercity 3787 5
VIRM-6 8739 ->
21:34 +10 21:42 +10 Brussel-Zuid Midi Intercity direct 9268 7
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16233 ->
21:45 Roosendaal Intercity 703675 8
VIRM-6 8664 ->
21:45 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926136
21:53 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1176
Train did not depart

22:00 – 23:00

14 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926139
22:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 926140
22:09 Utrecht Centraal Intercity 3789 3
VIRM-4 9409, VIRM-4 9558 ->
22:15 Roosendaal Intercity 703677 8
VIRM-4 9468 ->
22:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926147
22:23 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1178 7
SW7-25KV-2+7 16122 ->
22:18 22:26 Amsterdam Centraal Intercity direct 9271 5
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16478 ->
22:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926150
22:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 926151
Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
22:39 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 3791 3
VIRM-6 8662 ->
22:34 +10 22:42 +11 Brussel-Zuid Midi Intercity direct 9272 7
SWB7-25KV-2+7 16477 ->
22:45 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926158
22:45 Roosendaal Intercity 703679 8
VIRM-4 9560 ->
22:53 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1180 5
SW9-25KV-2+9 16508 ->

23:00 – 24:00

12 services, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
23:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926161
23:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 926162
23:09 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 3793 3
VIRM-6 8664 ->
23:15 Roosendaal Intercity 703681 4
VIRM-6 8702 ->
23:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926169
23:23 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1182 7
SW9-25KV-2+9 16235 ->
23:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926172
23:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 926173
23:39 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 3795 3
VIRM-4 9468 ->
23:45 Roosendaal Intercity 703683 8
VIRM-6 8632 ->
23:45 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 926180
23:53 Den Haag Centraal Intercity 1184 5
SW9-25KV-2+9 16511 ->

00:00 – 01:00

12 services, 1 cancelled (8.3%), 1 delayed (8.3%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
00:00 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925010
00:00 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925012
00:09 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 3797 3
VIRM-4 9560 ->
00:15 Roosendaal Intercity 703685 8
VIRM-6 8654 ->
00:15 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925018
00:23 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 1186 7
ICNG25-8 3223 ->
00:30 's-Hertogenbosch Snelbus ipv trein 925022
00:30 Tilburg Stopbus ipv trein 925024
00:39 Dordrecht Intercity 3799 4
VIRM-6 8702 ->
00:40 Eindhoven Centraal Snelbus ipv trein 926559
Train did not depart
00:40 Eindhoven Centraal Snelbus ipv trein 929493
00:49 Roosendaal Intercity 703687 8
VIRM-4 9561 ->

01:00 – 02:00

4 services, 1 cancelled (25%), 1 delayed (25%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
01:20 +1 Rotterdam Centraal Intercity 21452 7
ICM-4 4206 ->
01:40 Eindhoven Centraal Snelbus ipv trein 929491
Train did not depart
01:40 Eindhoven Centraal Snelbus ipv trein 929492
01:58 01:58 Dordrecht Snelbus ipv trein 929494

02:00 – 03:00

1 service, 0 cancelled (0%), 0 delayed (0%)

Arr. Dep. Destination Train Platf.
02:58 02:58 Dordrecht Snelbus ipv trein 929495