Sneltrein 18950 to Herzogenrath on January 30, 2023

This is the history of Sneltrein 18950 which ran from Heerlen to Herzogenrath on January 30, 2023. This train ran almost without any delays. This train was operated by Arriva. The total journey time for this train service was 10 minutes.

Below, you'll find the entire route for this train, including platform changes and (if available) the train composition for this day. Platform changes are marked.

16:58 +1

* Statistics based on past 14 days

Punctuality for this train

Next to each station, you'll find some basic statistics about this train's punctuality at this station.

This is based on the performance of this train in the past 14 days. The percentage of trains which have departed or arrived on-time includes all trains which had a maximum delay of 4 minutes and 59 seconds. Cancelled trains are not considered as on-time trains.

Many more statistics about this train are available in our statistics section. See all train statistics and punctuality for Sneltrein 18950.

Train drawings: © Arthur Pijpers, Wiek Vlasma and others