Train services at Schiphol Airport on September 29, 2020
This page shows all trains which have departed from station Schiphol Airport on Tuesday, September 29, 2020. This includes all trains scheduled to depart, including trains which were eventually cancelled.
Services which were cancelled in advance, for example due to engineering works, are not included in this overview.
Schiphol Airport Tuesday, September 29, 2020 |
Total services | 797 |
On time | 725 (91%) |
Cancelled services | 51 (6%) |
Delayed trains* | 21 (3%) |
Train services
Click on a service to view the entire route and delays along the route. Visit live departures for Schiphol Airport for live information.
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
02:53 +1 | 03:02 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity 1410 | 5 |
ICM-4 4206 -> | ||||
03:01 | 03:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 1409 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9563 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
03:53 | 04:02 +2 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity 1414 | 5 |
ICM-3 4050 -> | ||||
04:00 +3 | 04:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 1413 | 6 |
ICM-4 4237 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
04:53 | 05:02 | Utrecht Centraal | Intercity 1418 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9423 -> | ||||
05:00 +1 | 05:05 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity 1417 | 6 |
ICM-4 4206 -> | ||||
05:29 +10 | 05:30 +10 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4617 | 1 |
SNG-4 2726, SNG-3 2336 -> | ||||
05:32 | 05:34 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4606 | 4 |
SNG-3 2322, SNG-3 2312 -> | ||||
— | 05:38 +2 | Enschede | Intercity 1617 | 2 |
DDZ-4 7543 -> | ||||
05:39 +2 | 05:41 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 5817 | 1 |
SLT-4 2415 -> | ||||
05:42 +1 | 05:43 +1 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5717 | 3 |
SLT-6 2651 -> | ||||
05:43 | 05:44 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4308 | 4 |
SNG-3 2308, SNG-4 2707, SNG-3 2344 -> | ||||
05:43 +2 | 05:45 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 3310 | 2 |
SNG-4 2725, SNG-4 2717 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
05:48 | 05:49 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5808 | 5 |
SLT-4 2467, SLT-4 2450 -> | ||||
05:53 +1 | 05:54 +1 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 3317 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9516 -> | ||||
05:54 | 05:55 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4619 | 1 |
SNG-4 2743, SNG-4 2720 -> | ||||
05:55 | 05:56 | Almere Oostvaarders | Sprinter 4317 | 3 |
SLT-6 2624 -> | ||||
— | 05:57 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 710 | 6 |
ICM-4 4208 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
05:58 | 06:00 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4608 | 5 |
SNG-3 2302, SNG-4 2730 -> | ||||
06:02 | 06:04 | Groningen | Intercity 717 | 2 |
DDZ-4 7534 -> | ||||
06:04 | 06:05 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4310 | 4 |
SLT-6 2618 -> | ||||
06:05 | 06:08 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1010 | 5 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16511 -> | ||||
— | 06:08 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity 11619 | 3 |
ICM-4 4227, ICM-3 4044, ICM-3 4053 -> | ||||
06:08 | 06:11 | Brussel-Zuid/Midi | Intercity 9692 | 6 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16475 -> | ||||
06:09 | 06:11 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 5819 | 1 |
Train did not depart | ||||
SLT-4 2423, SLT-6 2644 -> | ||||
06:12 | 06:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5719 | 3 |
SLT-4 2450, SLT-4 2467 -> | ||||
06:14 | 06:15 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 3319 | 5 |
SNG-4 2742, SNG-3 2342 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
06:13 | 06:15 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 3312 | 2 |
SNG-3 2319, SNG-4 2744, SNG-3 2315 -> | ||||
06:17 | 06:18 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5710 | 4 |
SLT-4 2432, SLT-4 2456 -> | ||||
06:18 | 06:19 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5810 | 5/6 |
SLT-6 2648, SLT-4 2433 -> | ||||
— | 06:19 | Venlo | Intercity 3519 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8633 -> | ||||
06:21 | 06:23 | Breda | Intercity direct 910 | 5 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16510 -> | ||||
06:24 | 06:25 | Almere Oostvaarders | Sprinter 4319 | 3 |
SLT-6 2618 -> | ||||
06:25 | 06:27 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1812 | 6 |
ICM-3 4064, ICM-3 4030 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
06:29 | 06:30 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4621 | 2 |
SNG-3 2317, SNG-3 2330 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
06:28 | 06:30 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4610 | 5 |
SNG-3 2334, SNG-3 2303 -> | ||||
06:32 | 06:34 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1819 | 2 |
DDZ-4 7506 -> | ||||
06:34 +2 | 06:35 +2 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4312 | 4 |
SLT-6 2640 -> | ||||
06:34 | 06:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1012 | 6 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16130 -> | ||||
— | 06:38 | Enschede | Intercity 1621 | 3 |
ICM-4 4235 -> | ||||
06:39 | 06:41 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 5821 | 1 |
SLT-4 2433, SLT-6 2648 -> | ||||
— | 06:42 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2425 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9592, VIRM-6 8730 -> | ||||
06:42 +1 | 06:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5721 | 3 |
SLT-4 2456, SLT-4 2432 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
06:44 | 06:45 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 3321 | 5/6 |
SNG-3 2301, SNG-3 2318 -> | ||||
06:43 | 06:45 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 3314 | 1 |
SNG-3 2344, SNG-4 2707, SNG-3 2308 -> | ||||
06:47 | 06:48 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5712 | 4 |
SLT-4 2401, SLT-4 2448 -> | ||||
06:46 | 06:48 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2410 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8666 -> | ||||
06:48 | 06:49 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5812 | 6 |
SNG-4 2714, SNG-4 2713 -> | ||||
— | 06:49 | Venlo | Intercity 3521 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8729 -> | ||||
06:51 +2 | 06:53 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1003 | 1 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16424 -> | ||||
06:51 | 06:53 | Breda | Intercity direct 912 | 5 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16417 -> | ||||
06:55 | 06:56 | Almere Oostvaarders | Sprinter 4321 | 3 |
SLT-6 2640 -> | ||||
06:55 | 06:57 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 714 | 5/6 |
DDZ-4 7505, DDZ-4 7526 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
06:59 | 07:00 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4623 | 2 |
SNG-4 2733 -> | ||||
06:58 | 07:00 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4612 | 5 |
SNG-4 2719, SNG-4 2715 -> | ||||
— | 07:02 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3123 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8636 -> | ||||
07:02 | 07:04 | Groningen | Intercity 721 | 1 |
ICM-3 4074, ICM-4 4208 -> | ||||
07:04 | 07:05 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4314 | 4 |
SLT-6 2661 -> | ||||
07:05 +1 | 07:08 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1014 | 6 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16121 -> | ||||
— | 07:08 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity 11623 | 3 |
DDZ-4 7533, DDZ-6 7635 -> | ||||
07:09 | 07:11 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 5823 | 2 |
SNG-4 2713, SNG-4 2714 -> | ||||
07:11 | 07:12 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2427 | 5 |
VIRM-6 8648, VIRM-4 9586 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:12 | 07:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5723 | 3 |
SLT-4 2448, SLT-4 2401 -> | ||||
07:14 | 07:15 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 3323 | 6 |
SNG-3 2310, SNG-4 2706 -> | ||||
07:13 | 07:15 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 3316 | 1 |
SNG-3 2342, SNG-4 2742 -> | ||||
07:16 | 07:18 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2412 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9594, VIRM-4 9510 -> | ||||
07:17 +3 | 07:18 +3 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5714 | 4 |
SLT-6 2626, SLT-4 2436 -> | ||||
07:18 | 07:19 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5814 | 5 |
SLT-4 2403, SLT-4 2406 -> | ||||
— | 07:19 | Venlo | Intercity 3523 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8615 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:19 +2 | 07:21 +2 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1005 | 1 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16122 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:21 | 07:23 | Breda | Intercity direct 914 | 6 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16413 -> | ||||
07:24 | 07:25 | Almere Oostvaarders | Sprinter 4323 | 3 |
SLT-6 2661 -> | ||||
07:25 +1 | 07:27 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1816 | 5 |
ICM-4 4205, ICM-4 4218, ICM-4 4222 -> | ||||
07:29 | 07:30 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4625 | 2 |
SNG-3 2312, SNG-3 2322 -> | ||||
07:28 +1 | 07:30 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4614 | 6 |
SNG-4 2732, SNG-3 2339 -> | ||||
— | 07:32 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3125 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8736 -> | ||||
07:32 | 07:34 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1823 | 1 |
ICM-3 4017, ICM-3 4039, ICM-4 4247 -> | ||||
07:31 | 07:34 +1 | Paris-Nord | Thalys 9316 | 5 |
TGV-PBA 4303 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:34 | 07:35 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4316 | 4 |
SLT-4 2446 -> | ||||
07:36 | 07:37 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 905 | 2 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16414 -> | ||||
07:34 +2 | 07:37 +1 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1016 | 6 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16424 -> | ||||
— | 07:38 | Enschede | Intercity 1625 | 3 |
ICM-3 4036, ICM-3 4033 -> | ||||
07:38 | 07:40 | Brussel-Zuid/Midi | Intercity direct 9216 | 5 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16472 -> | ||||
07:39 | 07:41 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 5825 | 1 |
SLT-4 2406, SLT-4 2403 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:41 | 07:42 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2429 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
07:42 | 07:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5725 | 3 |
SLT-4 2436, SLT-6 2626 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:44 | 07:45 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 3325 | 6 |
SNG-4 2717, SNG-4 2725 -> | ||||
07:43 | 07:45 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 3318 | 2 |
SNG-3 2318, SNG-3 2301 -> | ||||
07:46 | 07:48 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2414 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9418, VIRM-6 8660 -> | ||||
07:47 | 07:48 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5716 | 4 |
SLT-6 2614 -> | ||||
07:48 | 07:49 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5816 | 5 |
SNG-4 2729, SNG-4 2749 -> | ||||
— | 07:49 | Venlo | Intercity 3525 | 3 |
VIRM-4 9516, VIRM-4 9419 -> | ||||
07:51 | 07:53 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1007 | 2 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16130 -> | ||||
07:51 | 07:53 | Breda | Intercity direct 916 | 6 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16419 -> | ||||
07:55 | 07:56 | Almere Oostvaarders | Sprinter 4325 | 3 |
SLT-4 2446 -> | ||||
07:55 +5 | 07:57 +4 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 718 | 6 |
DDZ-4 7513, DDZ-6 7625 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
07:59 | 08:00 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4627 | 1 |
SNG-4 2730, SNG-3 2302, SNG-3 2363 -> | ||||
07:58 | 08:00 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4616 | 5 |
SNG-3 2325, SNG-3 2311, SNG-3 2326 -> | ||||
— | 08:02 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3127 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8702 -> | ||||
08:02 | 08:04 | Groningen | Intercity 725 | 2 |
ICM-3 4030, ICM-3 4064, ICM-3 4068, ICM-3 4079 -> | ||||
08:04 | 08:05 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4318 | 4 |
SLT-6 2624 -> | ||||
08:06 | 08:07 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 907 | 1 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16511 -> | ||||
08:05 | 08:08 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1018 | 6 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16122 -> | ||||
— | 08:08 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity 11627 | 3 |
ICM-3 4058, ICM-3 4069 -> | ||||
08:09 | 08:11 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 5827 | 2 |
SNG-4 2749, SNG-4 2729 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:11 | 08:12 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2431 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9570, VIRM-4 9573 -> | ||||
08:12 | 08:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5727 | 3 |
SLT-6 2614 -> | ||||
08:14 | 08:15 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 3327 | 5 |
SNG-3 2315, SNG-4 2744, SNG-3 2319 -> | ||||
08:13 | 08:15 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 3320 | 1/2 |
SNG-4 2706, SNG-3 2310 -> | ||||
08:16 +1 | 08:18 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2416 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8726, VIRM-6 8658 -> | ||||
08:17 | 08:18 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5718 | 4 |
SLT-6 2613 -> | ||||
08:18 | 08:19 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5818 | 6 |
SNG-3 2341, SNG-4 2750 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 08:19 | Venlo | Intercity 3527 | 3 |
VIRM-4 9584, VIRM-6 8641 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:19 +1 | 08:21 +1 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1009 | 1 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16121 -> | ||||
08:21 | 08:23 | Breda | Intercity direct 918 | 5 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16414 -> | ||||
08:22 +2 | 08:24 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 9211 | 2 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16234 -> | ||||
08:24 | 08:25 | Almere Oostvaarders | Sprinter 4327 | 3 |
SLT-6 2624 -> | ||||
08:25 | 08:27 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1820 | 5/6 |
DDZ-4 7522, DDZ-6 7614 -> | ||||
08:25 +1 | 08:28 | Amsterdam Centraal | Thalys 9391 | 1 |
TGV-PBA 4532 -> | ||||
08:29 | 08:30 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4629 | 2 |
SNG-3 2303, SNG-3 2334, SNG-4 2716 -> | ||||
08:28 | 08:30 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4618 | 5 |
SNG-3 2353, SNG-4 2728, SNG-4 2736 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 08:32 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3129 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8733, VIRM-4 9508 -> | ||||
08:32 | 08:34 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1827 | 1 |
DDZ-4 7526, DDZ-4 7505 -> | ||||
08:34 | 08:35 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4320 | 4 |
SLT-6 2618 -> | ||||
08:36 | 08:37 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 909 | 2 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16510 -> | ||||
08:34 +1 | 08:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1020 | 6 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16130 -> | ||||
— | 08:38 | Enschede | Intercity 1629 | 3 |
ICM-4 4227, ICM-3 4044, ICM-3 4053 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:38 | 08:40 | Brussel-Zuid/Midi | Intercity direct 9220 | 5 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16478 -> | ||||
08:39 | 08:41 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 5829 | 1 |
SNG-4 2750, SNG-3 2341 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:41 | 08:42 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2433 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8666, VIRM-4 9558 -> | ||||
08:42 | 08:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5729 | 3 |
SLT-6 2613 -> | ||||
08:44 | 08:45 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 3329 | 5 |
SNG-3 2308, SNG-4 2707, SNG-3 2344 -> | ||||
08:43 | 08:45 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 3322 | 2 |
SNG-4 2725, SNG-4 2717 -> | ||||
08:46 +1 | 08:48 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2418 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8732, VIRM-6 8727 -> | ||||
08:47 | 08:48 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5720 | 4 |
SLT-4 2442, SLT-6 2617 -> | ||||
08:48 | 08:49 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5820 | 6 |
SLT-6 2657, SLT-4 2415 -> | ||||
— | 08:49 | Venlo | Intercity 3529 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8608, VIRM-4 9576 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:51 | 08:53 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1011 | 2 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16424 -> | ||||
08:51 +5 | 08:53 +5 | Breda | Intercity direct 920 | 5 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16511 -> | ||||
08:55 | 08:56 | Almere Oostvaarders | Sprinter 4329 | 3 |
SLT-6 2618 -> | ||||
08:55 +3 | 08:57 +2 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 722 | 6 |
DDZ-4 7544, DDZ-6 7646 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
08:59 | 09:00 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4631 | 1 |
SNG-4 2715, SNG-4 2719 -> | ||||
08:58 +3 | 09:00 +2 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4620 | 5 |
SNG-4 2718, SNG-4 2741 -> | ||||
— | 09:02 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3131 | 3 |
VIRM-4 9427, VIRM-4 9585 -> | ||||
09:02 | 09:04 | Groningen | Intercity 729 | 2 |
ICM-4 4222, ICM-4 4218, ICM-4 4205 -> | ||||
09:04 +3 | 09:05 +3 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4322 | 4 |
SLT-6 2640 -> | ||||
09:06 +2 | 09:07 +2 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 911 | 1 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16417 -> | ||||
09:05 | 09:08 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1022 | 6 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16121 -> | ||||
— | 09:08 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity 11631 | 3 |
DDZ-6 7647 -> | ||||
09:09 +2 | 09:11 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 5831 | 2 |
SLT-4 2415, SLT-6 2657 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:11 | 09:12 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2435 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9510, VIRM-4 9594 -> | ||||
09:12 +1 | 09:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5731 | 3 |
SLT-6 2617, SLT-4 2442 -> | ||||
09:14 | 09:15 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 3331 | 6 |
SNG-4 2742, SNG-3 2342 -> | ||||
09:13 | 09:15 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 3324 | 1/2 |
SNG-3 2319, SNG-4 2744, SNG-3 2315 -> | ||||
09:16 | 09:18 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2420 | 1/2 |
VIRM-6 8730, VIRM-4 9592 -> | ||||
09:17 | 09:18 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5722 | 4 |
SLT-4 2422, SLT-6 2627 -> | ||||
09:18 | 09:19 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5822 | 5 |
SLT-6 2644, SLT-4 2423 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 09:19 | Venlo | Intercity 3531 | 3 |
VIRM-4 9567, VIRM-4 9406 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:19 | 09:21 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1013 | 1 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16122 -> | ||||
09:21 | 09:23 | Breda | Intercity direct 922 | 6 |
SW9-25KV-2+9 16510 -> | ||||
09:24 +4 | 09:25 +4 | Almere Oostvaarders | Sprinter 4331 | 3 |
SLT-6 2640 -> | ||||
09:25 | 09:27 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1824 | 5 |
ICM-3 4054, ICM-3 4052, ICM-3 4096 -> | ||||
09:29 | 09:30 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4633 | 2 |
SNG-3 2339, SNG-4 2732 -> | ||||
09:28 +3 | 09:30 +1 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4622 | 5 |
SNG-3 2336, SNG-4 2726, SNG-4 2708 -> | ||||
— | 09:32 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3133 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8667, VIRM-6 8651 -> | ||||
09:32 | 09:34 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1831 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7625, DDZ-4 7513 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:31 | 09:34 +7 | Paris-Nord | Thalys 9328 | 6 |
TGV-PBA 4305 -> | ||||
09:34 | 09:35 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4324 | 4 |
SLT-6 2661 -> | ||||
09:36 | 09:37 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 913 | 1/2 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16413 -> | ||||
09:34 +5 | 09:37 +6 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1024 | 5 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16424 -> | ||||
— | 09:38 | Enschede | Intercity 1633 | 3 |
DDZ-4 7530 -> | ||||
09:38 +6 | 09:40 +6 | Brussel-Zuid/Midi | Intercity direct 9224 | 6 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16273 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:39 | 09:41 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 5833 | 2 |
SLT-4 2423, SLT-6 2644 -> | ||||
09:41 | 09:42 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2437 | 5 |
VIRM-6 8660 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:42 | 09:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5733 | 3 |
SLT-6 2627, SLT-4 2422 -> | ||||
09:44 +4 | 09:45 +4 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 3333 | 6 |
SNG-3 2301, SNG-3 2318 -> | ||||
09:43 | 09:45 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 3326 | 2 |
SNG-3 2344, SNG-4 2707 -> | ||||
09:46 +9 | 09:48 +8 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2422 | 2 |
VIRM-4 9586, VIRM-6 8648 -> | ||||
09:47 | 09:48 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5724 | 4 |
SLT-4 2429, SLT-6 2651 -> | ||||
09:48 +3 | 09:49 +3 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5824 | 5 |
SLT-6 2648, SLT-4 2433 -> | ||||
— | 09:49 | Venlo | Intercity 3533 | — |
Train did not depart | ||||
09:51 | 09:53 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1015 | 1 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16130 -> | ||||
09:51 +2 | 09:53 +2 | Breda | Intercity direct 924 | 6 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16417 -> | ||||
09:55 | 09:56 | Almere Oostvaarders | Sprinter 4333 | 3 |
SLT-6 2661 -> | ||||
09:55 | 09:57 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 726 | 5 |
DDZ-6 7650 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
09:59 +2 | 10:00 +2 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4635 | 1 |
SNG-3 2326, SNG-3 2311 -> | ||||
09:58 | 10:00 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4624 | 6 |
SNG-4 2720, SNG-4 2743 -> | ||||
— | 10:02 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3135 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8703, VIRM-4 9450 -> | ||||
10:02 +1 | 10:04 | Groningen | Intercity 733 | 2 |
DDZ-6 7614, DDZ-4 7522 -> | ||||
10:04 | 10:05 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4326 | 4 |
SLT-4 2446 -> | ||||
10:06 | 10:07 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 915 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
10:05 | 10:08 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1026 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
— | 10:08 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity 11635 | 3 |
ICM-3 4022, ICM-3 4086 -> | ||||
10:09 +2 | 10:11 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 5835 | 1 |
SLT-4 2433, SLT-6 2648 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:11 | 10:12 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2439 | 5 |
VIRM-6 8658 -> | ||||
10:12 +1 | 10:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5735 | 3 |
SLT-6 2651, SLT-4 2429 -> | ||||
10:14 | 10:15 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 3335 | 6 |
SNG-3 2310, SNG-4 2706 -> | ||||
10:13 | 10:15 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 3328 | 2 |
SNG-3 2342, SNG-4 2742 -> | ||||
10:16 | 10:18 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2424 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9577 -> | ||||
10:17 | 10:18 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5726 | 4 |
SLT-4 2467, SLT-4 2450 -> | ||||
10:18 +1 | 10:19 +1 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5826 | 6 |
SNG-4 2714, SNG-4 2713 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 10:19 | Venlo | Intercity 3535 | 3 |
VIRM-4 9468 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:19 | 10:21 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1017 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
10:21 | 10:23 | Breda | Intercity direct 926 | 5 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16413 -> | ||||
10:21 | 10:23 | Breda | Intercity direct 300926 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
10:22 +28 | 10:24 +28 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 9219 | 2 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16438 -> | ||||
10:24 | 10:25 | Almere Oostvaarders | Sprinter 4335 | 3 |
SLT-4 2446 -> | ||||
10:25 | 10:27 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1828 | 6 |
ICM-4 4220, ICM-3 4017 -> | ||||
10:25 +29 | 10:28 +29 | Amsterdam Centraal | Thalys 9309 | 1 |
TGV-PBA 4346 -> | ||||
10:29 | 10:30 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4637 | 2 |
SNG-4 2736, SNG-4 2728 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:28 | 10:30 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4626 | 5 |
SNG-3 2330, SNG-3 2317 -> | ||||
— | 10:32 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3137 | 3 |
VIRM-4 9555, VIRM-4 9404 -> | ||||
10:32 | 10:34 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1835 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7646, DDZ-4 7544 -> | ||||
10:34 | 10:35 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4328 | 4 |
SLT-6 2624 -> | ||||
10:36 +5 | 10:37 +5 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 917 | 1 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16414 -> | ||||
10:34 | 10:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1028 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 10:38 | Enschede | Intercity 1637 | 3 |
ICM-3 4058, ICM-3 4069 -> | ||||
10:39 | 10:41 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 5837 | 2 |
SNG-4 2713, SNG-4 2714 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:41 +1 | 10:42 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2441 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8727 -> | ||||
10:42 | 10:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5737 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
10:44 | 10:45 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 3337 | 5 |
SNG-4 2717, SNG-4 2725 -> | ||||
10:43 | 10:45 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 3330 | 2 |
SNG-3 2318, SNG-3 2301 -> | ||||
10:46 | 10:48 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2426 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9573 -> | ||||
10:47 | 10:48 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5728 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
10:48 | 10:49 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5828 | 6 |
SLT-4 2403, SLT-4 2406 -> | ||||
— | 10:49 | Venlo | Intercity 3537 | 3 |
VIRM-4 9434, VIRM-4 9582 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:51 | 10:53 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1019 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
10:51 | 10:53 | Breda | Intercity direct 928 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
10:55 | 10:56 | Almere Oostvaarders | Sprinter 4337 | 3 |
SLT-6 2624 -> | ||||
10:55 | 10:57 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 730 | 5 |
DDZ-4 7534, DDZ-4 7510 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
10:59 | 11:00 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4639 | 2 |
SNG-4 2746, SNG-4 2723 -> | ||||
10:58 | 11:00 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4628 | 5/6 |
SNG-3 2323, SNG-3 2355 -> | ||||
— | 11:02 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3139 | 3 |
VIRM-4 9443, VIRM-4 9547 -> | ||||
11:02 | 11:04 | Groningen | Intercity 737 | 1 |
ICM-3 4096, ICM-3 4052, ICM-3 4054 -> | ||||
11:04 | 11:05 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4330 | 4 |
SLT-6 2618 -> | ||||
11:06 | 11:07 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 919 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
11:05 | 11:08 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1030 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
— | 11:08 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity 11639 | 3 |
DDZ-4 7543 -> | ||||
11:09 | 11:11 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 5839 | 2 |
SLT-4 2406, SLT-4 2403 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:11 | 11:12 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2443 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9592 -> | ||||
11:12 | 11:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5739 | 3 |
SLT-4 2450, SLT-4 2467 -> | ||||
11:14 | 11:15 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 3339 | 6 |
SNG-3 2315, SNG-4 2744 -> | ||||
11:13 | 11:15 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 3332 | 1/2 |
SNG-4 2706, SNG-3 2310 -> | ||||
11:16 | 11:18 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2428 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8666 -> | ||||
11:17 | 11:18 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5730 | 4 |
SLT-4 2401 -> | ||||
11:18 | 11:19 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5830 | 5 |
SNG-4 2729, SNG-4 2749 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 11:19 | Venlo | Intercity 3539 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8633 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:19 | 11:21 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1021 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
11:21 | 11:23 | Breda | Intercity direct 930 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
11:22 +28 | 11:24 +28 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 9223 | 2 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16437 -> | ||||
11:24 | 11:25 | Almere Oostvaarders | Sprinter 4339 | 3 |
SLT-6 2618 -> | ||||
11:25 | 11:27 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1832 | 6 |
DDZ-4 7506, DDZ-4 7504 -> | ||||
11:25 +30 | 11:28 +33 | Amsterdam Centraal | Thalys 9315 | 2 |
TGV-PBA 4345 -> | ||||
11:29 | 11:30 +1 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4641 | 2 |
SNG-4 2708, SNG-4 2726 -> | ||||
11:28 | 11:30 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4630 | 5 |
SNG-3 2322, SNG-3 2312 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 11:32 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3141 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8642 -> | ||||
11:32 | 11:34 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1839 | 1 |
DDZ-6 7650 -> | ||||
11:31 +1 | 11:34 | Paris-Nord | Thalys 9340 | 6 |
TGV-PBA 4532 -> | ||||
11:34 | 11:35 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4332 | 4 |
SLT-6 2640 -> | ||||
11:36 | 11:37 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 921 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
11:34 | 11:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1032 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 11:38 | Enschede | Intercity 1641 | 3 |
DDZ-6 7647 -> | ||||
11:38 | 11:40 | Brussel-Zuid/Midi | Intercity direct 9232 | 5 |
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:39 | 11:41 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 5841 | 2 |
SNG-4 2749, SNG-4 2729 -> | ||||
11:41 | 11:42 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2445 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8648 -> | ||||
11:42 | 11:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5741 | 3 |
SLT-4 2401 -> | ||||
11:44 | 11:45 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 3341 | 5 |
SNG-4 2707, SNG-3 2344 -> | ||||
11:43 | 11:45 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 3334 | 1 |
SNG-4 2725, SNG-4 2717 -> | ||||
11:46 +1 | 11:48 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2430 | 1 |
VIRM-4 9558 -> | ||||
11:47 | 11:48 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5732 | 4 |
SLT-4 2442 -> | ||||
11:48 | 11:49 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5832 | 6 |
SNG-3 2341, SNG-4 2750 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 11:49 | Venlo | Intercity 3541 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8729 -> | ||||
— | 11:52 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity 29450 | 1 |
11:51 | 11:53 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1023 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
11:51 | 11:53 | Breda | Intercity direct 932 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
11:55 +2 | 11:56 +2 | Almere Oostvaarders | Sprinter 4341 | 3 |
SLT-6 2640 -> | ||||
11:55 | 11:57 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 734 | 5/6 |
ICM-4 4208, ICM-3 4074 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
11:59 +1 | 12:00 +2 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4643 | 1 |
SNG-4 2743, SNG-4 2720 -> | ||||
11:58 | 12:00 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4632 | 6 |
SNG-3 2363, SNG-3 2302, SNG-4 2730 -> | ||||
— | 12:02 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3143 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8656 -> | ||||
12:02 | 12:04 | Groningen | Intercity 741 | 2 |
ICM-3 4017, ICM-4 4220 -> | ||||
12:04 | 12:05 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4334 | 4 |
SLT-6 2661 -> | ||||
12:06 | 12:07 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 923 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
12:05 | 12:08 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1034 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
— | 12:08 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity 11643 | 3 |
ICM-3 4092, ICM-4 4235 -> | ||||
12:09 | 12:11 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 5843 | 1 |
SNG-4 2750, SNG-3 2341 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:11 | 12:12 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2447 | 5 |
VIRM-4 9577 -> | ||||
12:12 | 12:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5743 | 3 |
SLT-4 2442 -> | ||||
12:14 | 12:15 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 3343 | 6 |
SNG-4 2742, SNG-3 2342 -> | ||||
12:13 | 12:15 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 3336 | 2 |
SNG-4 2744, SNG-3 2315 -> | ||||
12:16 | 12:18 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2432 | 1 |
VIRM-6 8660 -> | ||||
12:17 +2 | 12:18 +2 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5734 | 4 |
SLT-6 2614 -> | ||||
12:18 | 12:19 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5834 | 5 |
SLT-4 2415 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 12:19 | Venlo | Intercity 3543 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8615 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:19 | 12:21 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1025 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
12:21 | 12:23 | Breda | Intercity direct 934 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
12:22 | 12:24 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 9227 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
12:24 | 12:25 | Almere Oostvaarders | Sprinter 4343 | 3 |
SLT-6 2661 -> | ||||
12:25 | 12:27 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1836 | 5/6 |
ICM-4 4247, ICM-3 4039 -> | ||||
12:29 | 12:30 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4645 | 1/2 |
SNG-3 2317, SNG-3 2330 -> | ||||
12:28 | 12:30 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4634 | 5 |
SNG-4 2716, SNG-3 2334, SNG-3 2303 -> | ||||
— | 12:32 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3145 | 3 |
VIRM-4 9591 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:32 | 12:34 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1843 | 1 |
DDZ-4 7510 -> | ||||
12:34 | 12:35 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4336 | 4 |
SLT-4 2446 -> | ||||
12:36 | 12:37 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 925 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
12:34 | 12:37 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1036 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
— | 12:38 | Enschede | Intercity 1645 | 3 |
ICM-3 4022, ICM-3 4086 -> | ||||
12:38 | 12:40 | Brussel-Zuid/Midi | Intercity direct 9236 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:39 | 12:41 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 5845 | 2 |
SLT-4 2415 -> | ||||
12:41 | 12:42 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2449 | 6 |
VIRM-4 9573 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:42 | 12:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5745 | 3 |
SLT-6 2614 -> | ||||
12:44 | 12:45 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 3345 | 5 |
SNG-3 2301, SNG-3 2318 -> | ||||
12:43 | 12:45 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 3338 | 1 |
SNG-3 2344, SNG-4 2707 -> | ||||
12:46 | 12:48 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2434 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8658 -> | ||||
12:47 | 12:48 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5736 | 4 |
SLT-6 2613 -> | ||||
12:48 | 12:49 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5836 | 6 |
SLT-4 2423 -> | ||||
— | 12:49 | Venlo | Intercity 3545 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8645 -> | ||||
12:51 | 12:53 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1027 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
12:51 | 12:53 | Breda | Intercity direct 936 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
12:55 | 12:56 | Almere Oostvaarders | Sprinter 4345 | 3 |
SLT-4 2446 -> | ||||
12:55 | 12:57 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 738 | 5 |
ICM-3 4079, ICM-3 4068 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
12:59 | 13:00 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4647 | 1 |
SNG-3 2355, SNG-3 2323 -> | ||||
12:58 +1 | 13:00 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4636 | 6 |
SNG-4 2719, SNG-4 2715 -> | ||||
— | 13:02 +3 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3147 | 3 |
VIRM-4 9419 -> | ||||
13:02 | 13:04 | Groningen | Intercity 745 | 2 |
DDZ-4 7504, DDZ-4 7506 -> | ||||
13:04 | 13:05 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4338 | 4 |
SLT-6 2624 -> | ||||
13:06 | 13:07 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 927 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
13:05 | 13:08 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1038 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
— | 13:08 +2 | Amersfoort Schothorst | Intercity 11647 | 3 |
ICM-3 4044, ICM-3 4036, ICM-3 4033 -> | ||||
13:09 | 13:11 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 5847 | 1 |
SLT-4 2423 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:11 | 13:12 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2451 | 5 |
VIRM-6 8666 -> | ||||
13:12 | 13:13 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5747 | 3 |
SLT-6 2613 -> | ||||
13:14 | 13:15 | Leiden Centraal | Sprinter 3347 | 6 |
SNG-3 2310, SNG-4 2706 -> | ||||
13:13 | 13:15 | Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Sprinter 3340 | 2 |
SNG-3 2342, SNG-4 2742 -> | ||||
13:16 +2 | 13:18 +2 | Lelystad Centrum | Intercity 2436 | 2 |
VIRM-6 8727 -> | ||||
13:17 | 13:18 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5738 | 4 |
SLT-6 2610 -> | ||||
13:18 | 13:19 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 5838 | 5 |
SLT-4 2433 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
— | 13:19 | Venlo | Intercity 3547 | 3 |
VIRM-4 9584 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:19 | 13:21 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1029 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
13:21 | 13:23 | Breda | Intercity direct 938 | 6 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16130 -> | ||||
13:24 | 13:25 | Almere Oostvaarders | Sprinter 4347 | 3 |
SLT-6 2624 -> | ||||
13:25 | 13:27 | Den Haag Centraal | Intercity 1840 | 5 |
DDZ-4 7505 -> | ||||
13:25 +3 | 13:28 +2 | Amsterdam Centraal | Thalys 9327 | 2 |
TGV-PBA 4533 -> | ||||
13:29 | 13:30 +2 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 4649 | 1 |
SNG-3 2312, SNG-3 2322, SNG-3 2336 -> | ||||
13:28 | 13:30 | Den Haag Centraal | Sprinter 4638 | 5/6 |
SNG-4 2732 -> | ||||
— | 13:32 | Nijmegen | Intercity 3149 | 3 |
VIRM-6 8738 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:32 | 13:34 | Leeuwarden | Intercity 1847 | 2 |
ICM-3 4074, ICM-4 4208 -> | ||||
13:31 | 13:34 | Paris-Nord | Thalys 9352 | 5 |
TGV-PBA 4345 -> | ||||
13:34 | 13:35 | Hoofddorp | Sprinter 4340 | 4 |
SLT-6 2618 -> | ||||
13:36 | 13:37 | Amsterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 929 | — |
Train is cancelled | ||||
13:34 +4 | 13:37 +3 | Rotterdam Centraal | Intercity direct 1040 | 6 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16121 -> | ||||
— | 13:38 | Enschede | Intercity 1649 | 3 |
DDZ-4 7543 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:38 +2 | 13:40 +2 | Brussel-Zuid/Midi | Intercity direct 9240 | 5 |
SW7-25KV-2+7 16437 -> | ||||
13:39 | 13:41 | Amsterdam Centraal | Sprinter 5849 | 1 |
SLT-4 2433 -> | ||||
Arr. Arrival | Dep. Departure | Destination | Train | Platf. Platform |
13:41 | 13:42 +2 | Dordrecht | Intercity 2453 | 6 |
VIRM-6 8730 -> | ||||
13:42 | 13:43 | Utrecht Centraal | Sprinter 5749 | 3 |