Trains between Germany and the Netherlands

Travelling by train between Germany and the Netherlands is a convenient and quick way to travel. There are frequent international high-speed trains between Amsterdam and Berlin and between Amsterdam and Frankfurt. Additionally, there are various local services between the Netherlands and the western part of Germany.

Intercity between Amsterdam and Berlin

An international intercity train between Amsterdam and Berlin is operated by Deutsche Bahn (DB) every two hours. This train also calls at Hannover, an important business town in the center of Germany, and it calls at the Berlin stations of Berlin Spandau (western part of Berlin), Berlin Hauptbahnhof (central station) and Berlin Ostbahnhof (eastern part of Berlin). In the Netherlands, this train enters the country at Hengelo, and calls at important interchanges like Amersfoort (for Utrecht, Rotterdam and The Hague) and Hilversum (for Amsterdam South and Schiphol Airport). The train terminates at the central railway station of Amsterdam (Amsterdam Centraal).

This train is not a high-speed train, the maximum speed is 200 km/h (between Hannover and Berlin). A journey between Amsterdam and Berlin takes approximately 6 hours and 30 minutes. These trains have an on-board buffet which offers drinks, light snacks and meals, including hot meals and alcoholic beverages. Reservations are not required, but they are highly recommended, especially during the summer season and on peak days (e.g. national holidays). All trains are non-smoking and have both first class and second class.

Travel time Berlin - Amsterdam

Station Travel time
Berlin Ostbahnhof
Berlin Hauptbahnhof 0:00
Berlin Spandau 0:19
Hannover Hbf 2:06
Bad Bentheim (border) 4:04
Hengelo 4:31
Amersfoort 5:54
Hilversum 6:08
Amsterdam Centraal 6:30

* Not all stations are included.

Sometimes, it is quicker to change trains in Hannover. You’ll travel the part between Berlin and Hannover by a high-speed ICE train, and the part between Hannover and Amsterdam by international intercity train. This saves you about 15 minutes travel time, but it also means a change of trains in the middle of your journey. The price difference however is very small when you purchase an inexpensive ticket (see below).

Tickets between Berlin and Amsterdam

You can buy various train tickets. The cheapest train tickets between Berlin and Amsterdam start at € 39, which is the mid-flex fare (also called Sparpreis Europa). This ticket is only valid for the train which you choose while buying your ticket, and when you refund your ticket, you must pay € 19. There is only a limited amount of tickets available for € 39, and the ticket price increases with € 10 until all cheap fares are sold out.

If you prefer more flexibility, or when all cheap tickets are sold out, you can buy a full-flex fare. These are more expensive (prices start from € 64.30), but you are given a 100% refund when you cancel your ticket before the day of travel, without any charge. Another advantage is that you are allowed to take any train during the validity of your ticket (usually one day), so if you miss your train or if you change your plans, you can still travel to your destination.

It is highly advisable to make seat reservations, especially for long distances (like Berlin-Amsterdam or Hannover-Amersfoort). A seat reservation costs € 4 per seat per train, but guarantees you a seat. Seat reservations are included in the price for first-class tickets, but don't forget to include them while booking.

The easiest way to buy train tickets between Berlin and Amsterdam is by purchasing them online. Tickets can be bought at the NS International website, and you can order them 4 months before your intended travel date. You can pay with iDeal (if you have a Dutch bank account) or by credit card.

ICE International between Amsterdam, Cologne and Frankfurt

There is a fast and comfortable ICE International train running between Amsterdam and Frankfurt almost every two hours (sometimes even more often). This train is a modern high-speed ICE train, which can travel up to 330 km/h (205 mph). This train also calls at Frankfurt Airport, Cologne (Köln), Düsseldorf, Duisburg and Oberhausen before reaching the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, this train calls at Arnhem and Utrecht before terminating at Amsterdam’s central station.

Two trains per day run from Basel (Switzerland) and also call at Karlsruhe and Mannheim. These cities are also easily reachable with one interchange in Cologne or Frankfurt, and the same goes for Munich and even Vienna (Austria).

This is a high-speed train, but only between Cologne and Frankfurt, this train runs at maximum speed. The trains are very comfortable and offer both first and second class. There is an on-board buffet which offers drinks, light snacks and meals, including hot meals and alcoholic beverages.

Reservations are not required, but they are highly recommended. Reservations are free for first-class passengers.

Tickets for ICE International

You can buy various train tickets, depending in your destination and your needs.

The cheapest train tickets between Frankfurt and Amsterdam start at € 39, which is the mid-flex fare (also called Sparpreis Europa). This ticket is only valid for the train which you choose while buying your ticket, and when you refund your ticket, you must pay € 19. There is only a limited amount of tickets available for € 39, and the ticket price increases with € 10 until all cheap fares are sold out. These tickets are the best choice for city trips or holidays.

If you prefer more flexibility, or when all cheap tickets are sold out, you can buy a full-flex fare. These are more expensive (prices for Frankfurt – Amsterdam for example start from € 126), but you are given a 100% refund when you cancel your ticket before the day of travel, without any charge. Another advantage is that you are allowed to take any train during the validity of your ticket (usually one day), so if you miss your train or if you change your plans, you can still travel to your destination.

The easiest way to buy train tickets for ICE International is by purchasing them online. Tickets can be bought at the NS International website, and you can order them 4 months before your intended travel date. You can pay with your credit card.